Monday, October 31, 2011

Saving The Dead

All Saints Day is a national religious holiday all over here in the Philippines. And it is celebrated every November 1.

This is not only a day to remember the dearly family treasured ones that died, but this is one of the special days where hundreds and thousands of families all over the country gather once again in their native towns or cities not only to pay homage to their lost loved ones, but to renew their families ties among themselves until New Year comes.

The living are paying a visit to their departed loved ones at the cemetery, or in the memorial park by bringing flowers, lighting a candle or holding a mass through a paid Church minister or priest.

People every year in All Saints Day keep on coming home, keep on visiting and decorating their dead one's tomb with something of great values for their dead. And they keep on doing this as a tradition. Are they not thinking of situation or condition of their dead who aren't capable of saving themselves?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two Effective Visual Teaching Principles

Ofelia Ayungon giving lecture on using visual aids in teaching
Ms. Ayungon lecturing on using
visual aids in teaching
Using instructional materials (IMs), the teachers could be able to make their pupils learned. This had been exemplified by the teachers of Cubay Elementary School, Division of La Carlota City in their 3rd day (October 27) in-service training (INSET) held at Learning Resource Center (LRC) in the said school.

Mrs. Ofelia N. Ayungon, special teacher of Cubay Elementary School discussed before her fellow classroom teachers some principles in using the different media; thus letting their pupils absorbed the lessons efficiently in the 3rd day morning session of their summer training.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What is a Teacher?

Gil Camporazo, the author, is expounding the nature of a teacher to his teachers.
School Principal/The Author
(The following are my thoughts I have shared this afternoon to my 13 elementary school teachers in their 2nd day in-service training while their pupils having their summer break.)

A PERSON who teaches the children how to write, how to read, and how to do math and much more;

A PERSON who explains things to children how do they work, how do they operate, and how do they become useful for them and other people;

A PERSON who analyzes situations especially difficult ones for the children to easily understand and be able to come up with the practical solutions;

Monday, October 24, 2011

PH RH Bill Endangers Life and Family?

RH BILL Poster Fr. Peter West's RH Bill a Treat to Life and Family in the Philippines pointed out the practical possibilities why Reproductive Health (RH) Bill is so:

"The bill was not written by Filipinos for Filipinos, but by international population control groups in secret."

"The RH Bill is a threat to religious liberty. It forces medical professionals and businesses to promote and perform a full range of “reproductive health services,” against their consciences."

"It mandates immoral Planned Parenthood-style sex education courses starting in the fifth grade, establishes population officers to pressure poor women to have fewer children and requires couples to undergo RH training with certification before they can obtain marriage license."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

No More War in Iraq!

By 2012 the 9-year war in Iraq will be over.

Peace Not War
President Obama will withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of the year, ending a long war that deeply divided the country over its origins and the American lives it consumed, the news said.

“The rest of our troops in Iraq will come home,” Obama said Friday at the White House, adding that they will “be home for the holidays.”

“After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over,” he said.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Aquino: 'War No Good'

PH President Aquino III
PH President Aquino III
"Breaking a cease-fire with the rebels and resuming outright war would not do anybody any good," PH President Benigno Simeon Aquino III said in news report.

"We should learn, nobody benefits in war," he said.

He brushed off those suggestions from government official to go against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and also in ordering an offensive against the rebel group.

Instead, Aquino III will not resort to an army assault on Muslim guerrillas who killed 19 army soldiers in fierce fighting in the south. He will proceed with peace talks with the rebels.

He wants to find out why it did happen with such heavy losses from a platoon of army special forces in the daylong fighting Tuesday on southern Basilan island.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2011 Bacolod MassKara Queen: 'Strong, Adaptable, Friendly'

Alexis Danica Drilon, 2011 MassKara Queen
Nikki, Bacolod MassKara 2011 Queen
MassKara Queen is “strong in all adversities in life, can easily adapt to different situations, ... and can go along very well with people coming from different strata of society,” confidently described Alexis Danica Drilon when Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia asked her in a question and answer portion of the search.

Nikki, the fond name of Ms. Drilon outshone other 9 MassKara Queen candidates, and won six of the 12 “minor” awards.

Mayor Evelio Leonardia proclaimed Nikki the 2011 MassKara Queen. She was very articulate in expressing herself.

Six minor awards received of Drilon were  Miss Negros Navigation and Miss Super Ferry, the Lifestyle Bacolod Magazine’s Choice, Miss Samsung, Miss Photogenic, Best in Festival Costume (courtesy of Supercat) and Best in Fantasy Make Up.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Best Picture of Iloilo Public Plaza Photo Contest

Winners of photo contest - Panami nami kuha sang mga plaza sa Iloilo (Best Picture of the plaza in Iloilo)

Guimbal Plaza
First place winner was the Guimbal Plaza taken by Reymund Flores with 206 number of LIKEs.

This contest was initiated by Hawili Hurom. It started on October 4 and ended October 15. The winners were chosen by the FB account holders by signifying their LIKE to their own choice. Picture with the most LIKE wins. So far 80 entries were posted in Hawili Hurom Photography album, PHOTO CONTEST - PANAMI NAMI KUHA SANG MGA PLAZA SA ILOILO.

Many locals refer to the square of Guimbal as Luneta Park Iloilo. Within the premises of the square, people can enjoy and relax because it has attractive places. The majority of tourists visit this tourist place of Iloilo admire different types of ornamental plants in the workplace. In addition, this place of tourism has a captivating landscape that makes people more attractive to locals and foreigners. (Source:

La Paz Plaza
The 2nd place went to La Paz Plaza by Dayan Segovia with 137 LIKEs vote.

The La Paz District Plaza aside from the covered gym with a basketball court, has the lagoon. Usually several groups of people can be seen here, strolling and admiring the view. There is also a gazebo where you can take shade.

The mixture of recreational sports and relaxation spots have made the La Paz District Plaza one of the most popular parks in the city. If you get physically tired from all the Iloilo sightseeing you have been doing, this is the place to wind up the day.

The beauty of the La Paz District Plaza is another reason why tourists are frequenting the province and the capital city. With an environment pleasing to the eyes and soothing for the body, it is little wonder that it is a favorite among locals and foreign visitors. (source:

Guimbal Plaza 
And the 3rd place winner was another Guimbal Plaza taken by Rey Bayona with 123 LIKEs vote.

According to history, Guimbal square was developed by the municipal government in the early 1900s to boost tourism in the area. In addition, this place was built to provide a pleasant place for local residents to relax and bond with their families. To continue to fulfill its purpose, the Government regularly provides funding for the maintenance of the site. When it comes to cost, tourists who like to spend time in this tourist spot of Iloilo nothing have to worry about the budget and you can freely visit and stay at the Plaza of Guimbal. Allocate at least 100 pesos for costs of transport from the port of Iloilo, can have a wonderful, notable time and relaxation in this site.

Monday, October 17, 2011

2011 Bacolod MassKara Winners

Best in Costume and Mask
Barangay Alijis was adjudged as the Best in Costume and Mask in special category award.

While Barangay Banago was the 2011 champion in the just concluded 32nd MassKara Festival street and arena dance competition Sunday night (Oct. 16), topping other 14 groups that in barangay competition category.

Barangay Banago
The Champion
The choreography was introduced by William Bangcaya. Ronelo Mabilog designed the mask. Joseph Ferdinand Silva and Mabilog designed the costume. Barangay captain of Banago was Arnel Benjamin.

Banago also received Best in Concept and Best in Live Rhythm awards.

Barangay 17 came as 1st runner-up. Frederick Endrada was their choreographer. Last year this barangay won first runner-up and Best in Choreography.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Unexpected Friendship Reunion

Ursel DSantos
Before noon today our best friend Ursel who had been working in Hong Kong for several years and luckily settled there texted me that she'll take us for a lunch as her birthday treat for us. I informed my wife who readily prepared herself for such unexpected reunion.

As per instruction, we headed to the public plaza to meet Ursel. By and by I received a call from her that she's already waiting for us near the lady's comfort where we hurriedly proceeded there.

We hadn't seen anyone there. To our surprise, Hyundia SVU approached us, stopped in front of us. Then, the driver's window opened wide and we saw Ursel with a big smile. Rebing came nearer, hugged or had a beso-beso with her, then I followed through. We saw a man sitting beside her, whom she introduced to us as her hubby, a physicist, a Hong Kong professor.

She drove us looking for a cozy, peaceful eating outlet outside La Carlota. She kept on driving till we reached Pontevedra town. It's already past 12 noon when reached the resort at Bulobitoon beach with only a handful of excursionists there. We settled for a moment, looking for a food to eat just, but just to find no food in the canteen there.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why October 13, 1951?

Gil and Rebecca in 1969
Gil and Rebecca in 1969
Sometime in 1968 when I was then a third year student of La Carlota City High School, one afternoon, I had just finished attending my music class in the study hall when the rain began to fall. While all of my classmates rushed to the Science Hall building to take shelter for the study hall is open, no walls and only improvised board and benches were there, I was left all alone. In this solicitude, I noticed a girl of my age took shelter in the same place where I was stranded. I took a glimpse of the girl who was carrying some notebooks, books, and a magazine. To break the silence and being curious, I attempted to borrow the magazine from her. But before doing that, I took momentarily a deep, long breath while turning back from her to get rid of my nervousness. Just on time to get back to her, I found her gone unnoticed.

Rebecca and Gil in 2011
Rebecca and Gil in 2011

Many days and months passed. When I was about to attend our Mathematics class in the extension building just across the back of the main building of the school, I saw the girl, whom I guessed the same girl I had seen lately in the study hall. She was heading toward me where I was standing. I spotted a magazine from her hand and what a coincidence the same magazine she had last time I first met her. Meeting her again I was brightened up for she was with my neighbor, Mila Tapales. I greeted Mila hello with a little shame. I bargained with Mila if she could request her companion to let me borrow her magazine. Assured by Mila that we were neighbors and nothing will happen to her magazine, the girl lent it to me. Alas! We were not introduced to each other for both of us were in a hurry to catch with our classes.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

La Carlota Initiates the Provincial Biodiversity Conservation Symposium

La Carlota was the first local government unit in the province of Negros Occidental to initiate the symposium on biodiversity conservation in line with the Provincial Wildlife Month celebration.

"The biodiversity symposium is part of the Provincial Wildlife Month celebration that bears the theme "Negrense on the forefront of conserving wildlife and forests", told Lisa J. Paguntalan, Director for Field Operations, PBC Programme, Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc.(PBCFI).

She added that the main objective of the celebration is to generate awareness on the importance of forest and wildlife at the local level, with the main focus on schools and environment-related offices at the local government units.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

PH Teachers' GSIS Debts Be Paid by Gov't

DepEd Logo
The national government allocated P2.5 billion to pay the teachers' GSIS overdue debts, the national news said Monday.

House Assistant Majority Leader and Cebu Rep. Eduardo Gullas informed that the money will be drawn from the Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund under the proposed P1.816-trillion national budget for 2012.

“The P2.5 billion allotted for 2012 is just the initial payment. The DBM said the entire balance will be settled in installments over the next five years,“ he said.

“We welcome President Aquino’s decision to address the unpaid obligations. This will restore the GSIS membership of thousands of teachers, and enable them to reap the commensurate benefits,” Gullas said.

“Our teachers deserve absolute support. They are already overworked and underpaid as it is. We should make it fairly easy for them to obtain loans and other benefits from the GSIS,“ the Visayan lawmaker who is a member of the House Committee on Appropriations said.

Related Article:

Friday, October 7, 2011

13-year-old Pupil Hangs Self

mango tree
Ramzel Halos, 13, a grade six pupil and an honor pupil killed himself in a mango tree growing outside his classroom at the Maghanoy Elementary School in Barili town, Cebu Wednesday, several hours after the celebration of Teachers Day in his school, the local news said.

He was rushed to the Barili District Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.

Barili Police Station Chief Marlon Gumabao told local news that there was no foul play in the boy’s death.

No signs indicated that the boy was attacked that he struggled to fight back.

“We only saw strangulation marks on his neck. He died because of suffocation. Mas madaling mamatay sa maliliit na tali (One easily gets strangled on fine ropes),” Gumabao said

The incident took place several hours after their Teachers' Day program held in their school. Before the incident at 3:30 p.m., Halos was seen being in high spirits and dancing in the school program, the news said.

The teachers were shocked upon learning that Halos had just hanged himself.

Parental neglect of love and care is believed to be the cause of Halos' death as alleged by a school guidance counselor.

Vivelyn Balucos, grade one teacher and the school guidance counselor said she had heard Halos telling his classmates that he was going to kill himself that day for his grandmother did not buy him a Boy Scout uniform, the news said.

But Balucos dismissed that report for “that was foolish." "There were more serious problems he faced,” Balucos said in Cebuano.

As a school’s guidance counselor, Balucos recalled that she was confided by Halos of his problems at home. She noticed that the boy "felt neglected, unloved and uncared for.”

The boy longed for his parents to be with him and his siblings. He was looking for maternal love.

She said Halos wanted her to be his real mother as written in a card given him in several occasion.

Halos was the third of seven children. He was born out of wedlock and his father was his mother’s second husband.

His parents are separated. The family used to live in Punta Princesa, Cebu City.

When he was seven, he was left in the care of his grandmother in Barangay Maghanoy in Barili town. He was with his mother only during vacations.

In a separate interview, Esmeralda Halos, 41, the boy's mother blamed herself for the death of her son.

The boy will be buried tomorrow at the town cemetery.

Halos’s death was the third suicide in the family. An uncle killed himself at age 27 in 2000, and a 17-year-old cousin hanged himself in 2008.

source: Sun Star Cebu

Monday, October 3, 2011

Best Photos of Iloilo Churches

Winners of the best photos of "Mga Simbahan sa Iloilo Photo Contest" which recently conducted.

1st Place - MIAG-AO CHURCH by Charles Albert Reyes

Miag-ao Church
Miag-ao Church (also known as the Church of Santo Tomas de Villanueva) in the town of Miagao, Iloilo is an Augustinian-built baroque church and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built between 1787 and 1797, its fortress-like design suggests its dual purpose as a place of worship and as a fort used in defending the town against moro raiders.

2nd Place - JARO CATHEDRAL by Anthony Jimoga-on

The Jaro Cathedral is the seat or cathedral for the
Jaro Cathedral
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Jaro. It is located in district of Jaro in Iloilo City, in the province of Iloilo, on the island of Panay, in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. It is known as the shrine of Our Lady of Candles and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, as well as the parish of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

There are two distinctive features of the Romanesque revival architecture Cathedral. First, it is a site of devotion to the Virgin Mary due to a reportedly miraculous statue which is located above the main door of the structure. The statue was canonically crowned by Pope John Paul II during his visit to the parish in 1982. The image is the only religious icon in the country to have been personally crowned by a Pope. The second distinctive feature is its bell tower, which is located across a busy street on the Jaro Plaza. Such construction arrangement is rare in the Philippines. Usually the Churches and their belfries are built adjacent to each other, or at least they are collocated on the same plot of land. This is a remnant of an older building that collapsed during an earthquake.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bacolod MassKara Celebrates New Icons

MassKara 2011
Today opens 32nd Bacolod MassKara Festsival along with its theme: "Celebrating the new icons of Bacolod" at 7 p.m., at Bacolod public plaza.

The lighting of the 19 giant mask-lanterns in the plaza commences the annual activities. Then the lighting of bandstand lights ensues.

These mask-lantern entries are crafted by the inmates of 19 district jails all over the province to participate at the 1st Priso Mask-Making Competition in partnership of SMFO with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.

Acting Bacolod Mayor Jude Thaddeus leads this year's MassKara Festival.

Mask-lantern entry
Sometime in 1980 the MassKara Festival was born amidst the MV Don Juan sea disaster that claimed the lives of many Negrenses including prominent families, and the tremendous drop of prices of sugar in the world market. Bacolod Mayor Jose Montalvo, as a victim of the sea tragedy, where he lost four members of his family, took the lead in deciding to a festival of smiles for Bacolod at that time was also known as the "City of Smiles."

Tourism officials and the city’s artists led by Art Association of Bacolod president Ely Santiago, and civic groups also joined the Mayor Montalvo in holding the said festival.

The initial festival was a declaration of the people of Bacolod that no matter how tough and bad the times were, Bacolod is going to pull through, survive, and in the end, triumph. Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia, then head of the Tourism Office in Negros Occidental, nurtured the festival through its early years and was chairman for several years. And now, as chief executive of the city, he continues to entice local and foreign tourists, particularly Balikabayans to come to Bacolod for the MassKara.

Happy celebrating Bacolod MassKara! Long live MassKara!

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