Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why October 13, 1951?

Gil and Rebecca in 1969
Gil and Rebecca in 1969
Sometime in 1968 when I was then a third year student of La Carlota City High School, one afternoon, I had just finished attending my music class in the study hall when the rain began to fall. While all of my classmates rushed to the Science Hall building to take shelter for the study hall is open, no walls and only improvised board and benches were there, I was left all alone. In this solicitude, I noticed a girl of my age took shelter in the same place where I was stranded. I took a glimpse of the girl who was carrying some notebooks, books, and a magazine. To break the silence and being curious, I attempted to borrow the magazine from her. But before doing that, I took momentarily a deep, long breath while turning back from her to get rid of my nervousness. Just on time to get back to her, I found her gone unnoticed.

Rebecca and Gil in 2011
Rebecca and Gil in 2011

Many days and months passed. When I was about to attend our Mathematics class in the extension building just across the back of the main building of the school, I saw the girl, whom I guessed the same girl I had seen lately in the study hall. She was heading toward me where I was standing. I spotted a magazine from her hand and what a coincidence the same magazine she had last time I first met her. Meeting her again I was brightened up for she was with my neighbor, Mila Tapales. I greeted Mila hello with a little shame. I bargained with Mila if she could request her companion to let me borrow her magazine. Assured by Mila that we were neighbors and nothing will happen to her magazine, the girl lent it to me. Alas! We were not introduced to each other for both of us were in a hurry to catch with our classes.

Mysterious Girl's Name

At home while reading the borrowed magazine, I was bothered by the question why that girl was reluctant to lend me her magazine, the Philippine Journal of Education. Anything mysterious? Unique? To find the answer, I read everything from the magazine cover to cover. Nothing was unsual inside the magazine except a hand written name vertically in one of the inner edges of the magazine. The name was Rebecca Demabildo. Without so much ado and again for curiosity’s sake, I wrote her a letter, frankly telling her to be my friend, a nice friend. Next school day, I gave back the magazine with a letter in it through the girl's classmate Mila.

Save by the Bell

Our present big happy family
Our present big happy family
The most intriguing, momentous time came. While I was walking along the porch of the Science Hall, my attention was called by Rebecca, waving her hand telling me to come over. She was sitting on a circular concrete bench beneath the mango tree. Tongue-tied as I was, I came and sat beside her. She told me that she had read my letter. She reasoned out why should I send her a letter when we were both in the same school and meeting each other was not a problem. Secretly I glanced at her and it was almost 15 minutes to regain my composure. While I was about to open my mouth to talk the bell for the next class period rang. What a relief from the unexpected ordeal! I sighed.

Why Brief Friendship?

A month had passed. Our friendship did not last long. We were no longer friends, but lovers. It was February, when I gave her a simple but meaningful Valentine card. The quickness of going steady as lovers was as quick as to break up for us. This happened when I jokingly told her that my birthday is October 13. Unexpectedly she got angry with me. With no explanation, she had left me with a hurting word. She left me as helpless as a kitten on a tree. "Is there something wrong I have said to her? On my birthday? I wondered. From then on, she could not be seen by me. She kept on hiding from me. Feeling lonely, broken-hearted, I kept on searching her from all the corners of the school. I even asked her classmates and friends of her whereabouts, but to no avail.

Moment of Truth!

Well, a month later, I thought for myself that just in case I would be seeing her again, I would have to show my birth certificate to her to prove her that I am not fooling her. What a favorable occasion, we met at the Mabolo tree just across the La Carlota City College, situated within the high school campus. As planned, I presented the document to her and likewise she also presented her birth certificate me. What a surprise! Both of us had the same birthday – October 13, 1951. Well, we were happy and were reconciled. What happened? Well, from birth certificate to marriage certificate 4 years later.

The Fruit of Our Faithful Marriage

Now we have six wonderful grown up children out of 39 years of successful and happy marriage. We know the Lord has made us as husband and wife for we were made for each other! (As of posting time, October 13, 2011, Rebing and I are celebrating our 60th birthday)


  1. what at a coincidental love story(joke). you are really meant for each other. A memory worth remembering for.

  2. sana pag abot ko sa edad nyo, maikukwento ko rin ang love story ko :)

  3. nakakatuwa naman love story ninyo ... it a good thing it lasted this long na ... for this, I am envious ... sigh

  4. i love reading about happy endings, it's such a nice reminder that amidst the chaos in the world love would still prevail...

    nice love story you have here Sir Gil and Maam Rebecca...

  5. I love reading love stories and definitely ones with happy endings. I hope your love for each other and your cute story may serve as inspiration for young couples. Take care always and God bless! :)

  6. Wow, four decades na. Congratulations for that...and stay happy together :-)

  7. Great love story Sir. You are really meant for each other. God bless you more.

    Mommy Maye (

  8. very nice love story,hope my marriage lasts longer than that hehehe :)

  9. The kind of love that many people wish for. The saved by the bell bit was the most adorable part for me :P

  10. I admire people like you, Sir. It takes a lot (of everything) for a couple to last this long. Congratulations on your marriage and family!

    By the way, I was able to go to La Carlota before and I love how peaceful the place is. :)

  11. wow! happy ending. i really like reading love story. =)

  12. Wow! Nice love story! I hope to marry the man that will be with me in the future and will never leave me and take me for granted.

  13. napaka sweet naman at nakakakilig ang love story nio sir

  14. you left me teary eyed with this post as i remember my grandparents... my grandparents on the mother side also have the same birthday though different year... their names is also the counterpart of each other... (Cristino and Cristina) im still hoping to find that person who is really meant for me...

  15. wow!!! you share the same birthday that is so sweet..

  16. such a nice love story. and a great coincidence.


  17. Touching love story. Parang fairy tale. Happy ending. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. A really nice story... ♥ I firmly believe that people are pre-destined... that there's already someone out there who's meant to be with us... And that when God is in the center of a marriage, it'll stay as sturdy as a rock.
    I'm sure that you're grand children will be inspired by your great love story.

    Congratulations for a happy marriage! More years of togetherness, love and happiness to come! =)
    God bless!

    - The Joyful Crafter

  19. Wow, really envy hehe, indeed happy ending, the kind of love i really wanted. Sana there is someone pa na dumating for me =)

  20. Sigh... love stories like yours really gives me the "high" feeling. It is heartwarming to know of such story that both of you are very much in love until this day. God bless you both!

    God bless,
    Farida :)

  21. Awwwwwww!
    Nakakainggit. Love story like yours is rare nowadays. This honestly gave my heart a happy feeling. :)

    Stay happy and in love po. :)

  22. what a love story. thank you for inspiring us with your story.

  23. and i thought only my parents share the same birth date! :-) Thank you for sharing your sweet love story.

  24. That's nice. Seems like you are really destined to each other. And it's good to see that all these years, you are still together. Very inspiring.

  25. What a wonderful love story! Congratulations on enduring!

  26. awwwww..... awesome love story.. and you have same birthday pa talaga! Congratulations on your 39 years of happy and successful marriage! I know marriage is always a hard work in progress sana umabot din kami dyan!

  27. indeed a great love story!! i can feel the love...(kilig) hahaha!

  28. You got me glued reading your story. Well written.
    It is so awesome that you share the same date of birth, end up together and stayed together for almost 4 decades.
    Hats off to both of you!

  29. AWwww. God must be thinking of Rebecca when He created you. Awww, I wish I'll have the same happy marriage. :) Keep on loving each other.

  30. I wish your marriage more years to come! Congrats sir! Marriage and a family are truly fruits of good labor:)

  31. You are really meant to be... and the same birthdayÉ what a coincidence.

  32. What a love story!
    Cheers to years of wonderful marriage!

  33. A love that was written in the starts .

  34. This is really cool. I was reading it till the end and surprised to the twists. It can do happen in real life.

  35. What a sweet story to hear. I'm sure your kids would always want to hear your love story. May God bless you and your family even more!

  36. What a remarkable story :-) May GOD continue to bless you and your family Sir :-) Love is everlasting indeed!

  37. Wow! That's a great love story and I love the way you narrate it. :)

  38. i always believe in destiny and coincidence , what you shared with your wife is not just destiny and coincidence but a love of a lifetime.

    such an inspiring story.

  39. what a very nice love story. i can only smile while reading this blog post :) so sweet of you and i admire couples who last through their marriage. :)

  40. How nice to be together for so long. It's something I dread so much.
    How do you live with someone else for that long?

    Anyway...thanks for sharing :)

  41. What an interesting love story for both husband and wife to share the same birthday.

  42. You have such a beautiful love story! I'm sure you enjoyed telling the story to your children and to your friends. Not all are blessed with such happy and lasting relationships. Yours is truly a match made in heaven.

  43. wow how sweet :) love love love, thanks for sharing. i wish for the same lasting relationship, god bless :_

  44. wow thats so sweet! :)

  45. That is a great love story, hope mine will be similar to that as well XD

  46. Sweet! thanks for sharing your love story :)

  47. It's like the two of you are really meant to be. :)
    Thanks for sharing this sweet love story!

  48. You still remember your lovestory like it was just yesterday. Kinilig ako. Talaga. I love love letters and I think even in this age of text, love letters are still the way to do it. )

  49. Aaahhhh....kaka kilig! It's funny how elementary as a silent treatment for such a non trivial thing when she thought you're just joking about your birthday :) she didn't even ask. But it's cute.

  50. wow Sir I so love your unique story! Congratulations for finding your one true love... and congratulations for keeping it forever. God bless

  51. Your love story is like a Jewel.


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