Monday, October 24, 2011

PH RH Bill Endangers Life and Family?

RH BILL Poster Fr. Peter West's RH Bill a Treat to Life and Family in the Philippines pointed out the practical possibilities why Reproductive Health (RH) Bill is so:

"The bill was not written by Filipinos for Filipinos, but by international population control groups in secret."

"The RH Bill is a threat to religious liberty. It forces medical professionals and businesses to promote and perform a full range of “reproductive health services,” against their consciences."

"It mandates immoral Planned Parenthood-style sex education courses starting in the fifth grade, establishes population officers to pressure poor women to have fewer children and requires couples to undergo RH training with certification before they can obtain marriage license."

"The bill threatens imprisonment and fines for anyone who spreads “malicious disinformation” (a term that is ambiguous at best), and thus threatens to muzzle free speech and the freedom of choice that RH promoters claim to support."

"While the bill does not make abortion legal, the phrase a “full range of reproductive health services” is found throughout the bill, which is understood internationally as services including abortion."

"The bill is officially entitled 'The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011.' Despite its title, the bill does not promote responsible parenthood."

"Widespread contraceptive use leads to rampant promiscuity, higher teen pregnancy rates, more STDs and more abortion. Contraceptives provide a false sense of security that erodes natural moral inclinations to restrict sexual activity to situations where people are open to children."

"It is not 'pro-woman.' Overwhelming evidence show the link between hormonal contraceptives and various cancers. Manufacturers even concede that it can cause potentially fatal blood clots and strokes."

Evaluate them for yourself.

Fr. West concluded that Economic problems in the Philippines were not caused by over-population, but by high levels of poverty, mostly in urban centers. Many of their economic problems could be solved by eliminating rampant corruption, which is estimated to cost Filipinos 400 billion pesos annually. Unless the real causes of poverty are addressed, poor Filipinos will remain poor.

Moreover, Dustin Celestino, former supporter of RH bill, after attending a lecture on the truth behind RH Bill realized why the RH Bill is bad  and opposed the passage of the bill.

The following are the truths he learned:

“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated.”

“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women.”

“The RH bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction!”

“Our population is our biggest asset!”

“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion.”

“The RH Bill is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex.”

“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that parents don’t teach their children about sex.”

“The RH Bill is a conspiracy.”

“The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong.”

Where do you stand my fellow Filipino? I know in every problem there is a solution.


  1. The priest can be wrong but the RH Bill is really wrong.

  2. I'm in favor on RH bill more because it provides people with choices. I feel it can go hand in hand with respect for life as people being informed would be better equipped in life.

  3. I think this bill is okay, if concern government agencies will properly educated concern parties.

  4. I'm also in favor on this RH bill because it will help protect the health and lives of mothers, promotes equity for poor families, prevent induced abortions and reduce cancer death threats.

  5. Well father has a point there, I just uhm, disagree with the last statement "priests are never wrong" We all sin. =)

  6. i don't really know what to say for this RH bill!
    because honestly i dont really know what is RH bill and im so stupid no knowledge about news from the phil.
    i just heard from my father on the phone that he favor on RH bill but don't mind asking him if what is it! lols

  7. It's hard to comment on topics like this. But, personally, I support the RH bill because this is the only way we can control the population. I hope this will be executed well and be imparted properly most especially to our fellow Filipinos who are not that educated and who can't easily grasp the meaning of the bill.

  8. I haven't lived in the Philippines for 8 years and although this doesn't directly affect me, I still think that women should be given access to contraceptives and sex-ed classes not only for safety reasons (STD's) but also because I believe that it's a choice that every woman gets to have. I'm not sure about the full details of the bill so I am responding based on this article alone but it's better for everyone (boys, girls, women, men) to be well-informed about sex early on rather than seeing a woman crossing her fingers, hoping that she won't have another child born into poverty. The child doesn't cause the poverty, but he/she may be born into such a life when parents are not well-informed and were unaware of any possible precautions that they could have taken. It's unfair to the child. I'm not sure how it is there but any patient here is well aware of side effects before they agree to taking any drug, and the same goes for contraception. There are risks to unsafe sex and pregnancies as well. As far as morality goes, not every one in the Philippines has the same set of beliefs so it seems unfair to those who don't consider themselves religious.

  9. I'm in favor of the RH because having many children that parents cannot handle is really a burden not only to that family but also to the society!

  10. except for the last sentence, I fully agree on the arguments. although, there's no doubt that we should protect the mother and child however there's a lot of gray areas on the bill like the definition of abortion ,etc. I hope we should all study and check its merits if it's really for us or not. remember, we already have sex education class and the DOH have the power to implement sex education but are they really doing it? isip isip muna tayo!

  11. I'm in favor of RH Bill, our country badly needs it. I remember seeing a woman in the television having 11 kids! and now, they don't know where to get their food. RH Bill will be a big help even though in religion, it's definitely wrong to use contraceptives and have sex outside marriage.

  12. I'm in favo of RH bill. I don't see anything wrong with it. For me, RH bill protects both the parent & their kids. :)


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