Monday, June 27, 2011

LDS Pattern of Prayer

Man Praying
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in his "Improving Our Prayers" (Liahona, August 2004, Pp. 16-23) stated that Psalm 37 as revealed David's words as "inspired process for active prayer and faith" is considered as a "step-by-step process" as a pattern for the latter-day saints (LDS) to follow as they seek to increase their faith and improve the efficacy of their prayers.

There are 6 steps to bear in mind. "Fret Not" is the first step. To fret means to worry or to brood something. The first thing we must do is stop worrying. When we worry about the future, we create unhappiness in the present. Righteous concern may lead us to take appropriate action, but worrying about things we cannot control can paralyze and demoralize us. Instead of worrying, focus on doing all that you can, and then leave the worrying to your Heaven Father. If your heart is right with him, He will take care of the worry and the fear. We must learn to "fret not."

The second step is to "trust in the Lord." Why we should trust Him? Because He us our loving and all-wise Father in Heaven. Because He is the giver of all good gifts. Because He knows us and wants us to be happy and successful and to return to Him. God is in His heaven. He is perfect. He loves us. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

The third step is "do good." We do good because we are followers of Christ . We do good because we are members of His church. We do good because we have made solemn covenants to serve as a light unto the world. Our Heavenly Father expects our actions to serve as a living testimony to our words. As we do good, the Lord can bless our efforts.

This is not to say that we must never make a mistake, "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The Lord requires that we seek Him with a humble heart, that a repent of our sins, and that we continue to do the best we can. As we make mistakes, we should learn from them and strive not to repeat them. As we do so, we become ever more Christlike, ever more as men and women of God.

The fourth step is "delight thyself also in the Lord." Instead of worrying or grumbling that our prayers have gone unanswered, we should delight ourselves in the Lord. Be grateful. Be happy, know that the Lord, in His time, will bring about all your righteousness desires-sometimes in ways we predict, sometimes in ways we could not have possibly foreseen.

The fifth step is to "commit thy way unto the Lord." No matter what our worries are, commit yourself to keeping His commandments. Brethren, honor your priesthood. Sisters, cleave unto the Principles of light and truth.

And the sixth step is "rest in the Lord." Sometimes the hardest things we can do is wait. The Lord has His own timetable, and although it may frustrate us, His timing is always perfect. When we rest in the Lord, we allow Him to work His will for us in His own time and in His own way.

"Prayer is the doorway through which we commence our discipleship to things heavenly and eternal. We will never be alone so long as we know how to pray," wrote Elder Wirthlin.


  1. such a great read to start my day, thanks for this post :)

  2. nice reading post like this when i wake up! way to go@ xx god bless everyone!

    1. Absolutely! It enlightend my day. Blessed you Sir Gil.

  3. I felt uplifted after reading the post. I feel good again having known how great is God in my life though for so many times I just don't think or appreciate it just as a grateful person should be.

    God bless.

    1. @enzo, God is absolutely good! Communicate with Him in a prayer of faith.

  4. My mom is a worrywart. Lagi na lang nagwo-worry sa future.. Lalo na pag merong mga family emergencies.. well.. Baka kasi ganito, baka ganun. Sabi ko nga minsan, "Just let it go.. What is bound to happen, will happen. Just keep the faith, mom." I can be a worrywart, sometimes. Pero inisip ko na lang, His will be done.


    Great read, sir. Good morning.

  5. Ako lage nagwo-worry sa future. I hate disappointments din kasi. Very nice post.

    1. In Him, @Clint, you don't have to worry. Entrust everything in Him and He will direct your ways in His own loving way.

  6. thank you sir for this post specially now that our country is facing another disaster and I am a guilty worrier too. Times like this if we will lose faith then that would be the end of us. Kapag di natin nakayanan lahat ng frustrations sa buhay we won't last long, we should always believe. faith is the key to surpassing every predicament.

    1. You're absolutely correct, @Violy. Faith is the answer if we want to be healed from our "spiritual sickness" and faith is also the answer to our day-to-day trials and challenges in life.

  7. prayers do not just let us connect to God but help us connect to ourselves :)

    1. You've gotten it right @Julie. In praying, we give sense to ourselves, particularly on how we relate ourselves to God's loving and tender care.

  8. To be honest, I really dont know how to pray. I usually just say what I feel, seek help if i need help, say thanks for all the blessings. I am still thankful that my prayers are being answered. but yeah, I agree that prayer somehow connects us with the supreme being. :)

    1. It could also be a form of meditation, a form of spiritual petition to our Father in heaven. It's only in religion that prayer has to follow a pattern. Jesus Himself has set an example on how to prayer. At least you know that there's a Supreme Being who could be kept in touch via prayer.

  9. Amen! I worry a lot and my husband keeps telling me not to worry and leave the worrying to the Lord.He is right but I can't help it.The other 6 steps ,I can easily follow as a Christian but sometimes i can't wait.I want my prayers to be answered right away sometimes.I pray whenever and wherever I am .I talk to the Lord for everything.

  10. Prayer gives me comfort and to be honest, while jogging I utter prayer or sing songs of praise especially when I'm feeling tired already. At the end of my prayer or song I realize I reached my target point in jogging.

  11. That's very true @Karen. When you pray, you'll feel something, something of a relief! Meaning your prayer has been answered.

  12. I always wanted to establish a personal father-daughter relationship with God. When I pray, I talk to Him as how I talk to my biological father. I always imagine Him listening to me and comforting me. I always want it that way. I don't really follow any patterns and I always feel at peace after.

  13. it enlightens my day, and now aiming to see tomorrow brightly


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