Saturday, June 25, 2011

An Accolade for Visayan 'Internet Writers'

The Quill
"Internet writers" or web bloggers or bloggers, who hail from the Visayas will have the chance that their "blog sites and niches" as a source of exposing their insights, life's ups and downs, or whatever comes to their minds for which they liberally post them in the web for their friends, associates, and fellow netizens to comment, and more importantly for the world to know, will be recognized on the 12th of November 2011.

An announcement from the Negros Bloggers who have been organized 2 years ago said that they will take the job of  hosting this year's Visayas Blog Awards (VBA) rites at the "Ruins" - a historical marker of Talisay City, Negros Occidental.

The VBA will present all sorts of blogsites and niches created by  the Visayan blogging community showcasing hundreds and hundreds of indigenous  topics developed by each blogger, the announcement further said.

However, prior to the momentous VB awarding night in November, a seminar will be conducted on September 3, 2011 so that every needful thing is ready, as pointed out in Negros Bloggers site.

This is a laudable gesture of the group which initiated this awarding rites. This could pave the way for bloggers to do their best in making their blogsite contents "readable", blog sites "saleable", and with "civility" as O'Reilly puts it in Blogger's Code of Conduct.

As for me, I have three reasons why I blog. In the first place, writing is my hobby. I used to write in my diary since elementary days. I share it to my children for them to learn from my experiences good or bad. Due to some circumstances, however, sometimes I forgot to write in my diary.

Second, I want to share random thoughts to others globally.

And third, I was enticed by a net ad that there's money in blogging. So I want to earn from what I've written or posted in the net. I started setting up my webpage, VIBRATIONS OnLine,  from a free hosting sites sometime a day after my birthday in 2006. But no earnings yet. In February this year 2011, I signed up with and came up with this blog: Gil Camporazo's RandomThoughts! I am confident that I could earn a money. But no "signs of the times" are manifested. That's okay... I know that I will be receiving a better pay from my "best provider" who is always in my side, day in and day out. I know "He lives." So I have to use my talent He has given me according to His will...

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if there's also a Tagalog bloggers group. :-)


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