Sunday, November 17, 2019

3 Easy Ways of Writing

Writing though takes some skills to get into what we want to communicate could be done in three simple ways. These things we learned from our late Grade 6 English-and-grammar teacher. She's our class adviser.

33-easy ways of writing
Since we're required to write a composition in various themes, we struggled to overcome our limited writing knowledge on writing. Every month we kept on rewriting and rewriting what we'd written. In doing so, we'd learned from her to write simply is to observe the 3-paragraph method. And we appreciated it as we're developing our skill in writing. 3-Paragraph Method The first paragraph is the introduction. It's usually a 3-or-more simple sentence. It summarises what is the idea or the thought in the following paragraph. It should point out the interesting point of view. This would arouse the reader's interest to finish reading the article. This has challenged us on how to do it. The second is the body. "The meat of the matter" is the body of what we're writing, according to her. She encouraged us to write in the active voice. The subject of the sentence is the one doing the action. It gives the "power" of the "doer". This is the hardest way as the intermediate pupil to handle. This may be written in more than 3 paragraphs. And the third is the conclusion. She told us that the last paragraph is the restatement of the introduction. We learned how to paraphrase it. This is where we put our personal reaction, the commitment of what is being written. As a general rule, we followed the number of sentences of the introduction. Bonus She taught us how to make our writing colourful and effective by using appropriate action verbs and adjectives. She cautions us to use negative in the sentence sparingly. And the last, she kept on telling us to observe the subject-verb agreement. I would like to thank, Miss Lilia Garin for these things I learned from her. She's my grade 6 class adviser and my English subject teacher.

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