Saturday, June 22, 2019

'Hear, Those Who Have Ears'

Scripture Thought

The scripture thought I shared is aptly applicable for the Preschool Convention of the Seminary & Institute of Religion teachers under the La Carlota Philippines District of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently.

The 13th Chapter of the Book of Matthew, verses 3 to 9 of the New Testament of the Bible described the various learners of the Word of God. It's likened to the parable of the sower.

Live, Teach, Administer

Church Educational System coordinator Noel T. Batac reoriented the teachers in the Church branches in Ayungon, Masville, La Carlota First, La Carlota 2nd, and Manggaspang on the purpose of teaching Seminary & Institute of Religion for school year 2019-2020.

"Live, Teach, Act"  are the approaches to effectively teach the New Testament courses in this school year.

Plan of Salvation

Bro. Batac well expounded the plan of salvation by presenting it as a covenant map by tracing a covenant path from premortal existence to the different degrees of glory such as celestial kingdom, terrestrial, and telestial. And it's a life-long process.

In so doing, there are three principles may be gained in which the "rising generation" may know, love, and live. They're as follows:

1. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
2. The sons and daughters of God have eternal identity and purpose.
3. All things on which Jesus Christ puts His name are part of the plan.

The teachers reacted favorably in the manner they could teach it to their students on how they could do it. Everyone shared their best experience.

For the new generation, the S&I courses are designed to help the youths and young adults understand and rely on the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves for eternal life.

The teachers interaction are very fruitful. Thr Seminary teachers are composed of Maria Luz Gatucao and Juliet Ubas of La Carlota 2nd, Jeanalyn Lisaca of Masville and Melissa Jane Sison of Ayungon Branch.

And the Institute teachers are Katherine Agreda of La Carlota 2nd, Kaye Stephanie Marabe of Masville, Carlo Rebelde of Manggaspang, and Gil Camporazo of La Carlota 1st branch.

Arnel Baquinquito, the District S&I supervisor conducted the opening and the closing of the said preschool convention held at La Carlota meetinghouse.

"Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." (Matthew 13:9, KJV)

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