Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sharing Responsibility Making Things Light and Easy

Brother Boiser expounding the lecture
"Helping people to help themselves" is the underlying principle of Church program on Self-Reliance and Welfare. This is the answer to the one of the major concerns of the La Carlota District of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

President Mario A. Malacaman of La Carlota District disclosed that genuine concern of the members in the recent District Conference held at La Carlota Meetinghouse to Elder Carlos G. Revillo, Jr. of the Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints, who presided over the said conference.

Immediate Action Taken

To address that concern, brother Erwin J. Boiser as the Church Self-Reliance and Welfare coordinator was tapped by Elder Revillo, Jr.

A-day-and-a-half training/seminar on Self-reliance and Welfare project was conducted to this effect aligned with the 2019 priority goals of the Church such obey, covenant and establish.

On Self-Reliance

A comprehensive powerpoint presentation on the various programs of the Church based on the revealed truths from the scripture put the attentive participants in place on what to do to become self-reliant by adapting the various tools such as preparing for a better job, starting and growing a business, and managing personal finance.

In so doing, the member has now acquired the skill or expertise. Therefore he must now decide for himself, for his own "path."

Welfare Program

The Church would never leave the members to be unattended for their welfare so that they are able to serve the Lord in return when they are well-fed via food production, educated via literacy for education is the key, among others.

The participants who are composed of Elder Quorum leaders, Relief Society presidents, and Branch Presidents coming from 8 units of La Carlota District apprised themselves of the specific tools and resources on how they would become like the Lord Jesus Christ.

They are as follows: tithing and fast offering, mentoring others, Church Service Missionary, providing employment to others, Church assignments, and preaching the Gospel.

The participants

Take-a-Way Commitment

President Mario A. Malacaman inspired the participants for his take-a-way message for them before they go home to their respective units and branches.

This training paves the way on how we serve the Lord by serving our members who are poor and needy.  The things learned should be taken one at a time. It should be step by step until big things would happen.

He realized that serving the Lord won't make anybody get rich, but doing the best and not expecting too much make things happen especially applying the principles, the tools and resources learned from this training.

Also the three branch presidents took their time of imparting their sincere concern over the Church program on self-reliance and welfare projects.

President Carlo U. Rebelde of Mangapsang Branch displayed a great satisfaction of the Church program. He was inspired for he knew what to do to help his members, helping themselves.

President Gene Calma of San Enrique Branch became too emotional as he relayed the great significance of program which his members could benefit much if they do their part as expected.

President Joseph Semillano of Moises Padilla had realized that to be a branch president is no joke. Trials and challenges are unavoidable. That is why, he needs to be strong to cater to the needs of his members.

Brother Boiser concluded that everyone has the special responsibility to bless someone. Thus sharing responsibility makes things easy in the Lord's way.

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