Thursday, June 28, 2012

'Doing Good Is a Pleasure'

When I report to work this morning, I took a walk in going to my school for it only takes me ten minutes from the high way. I will be passing the sugarcane plantation on my right and Mango plantation to my left.

CES teachers walking
While I was walking along the rough road, nearly half way to my school, I saw a crawling big earthworm along the side of the road, struggling its way to no where. I just ignored it. However, upon taking three strides something prompted me to go back. I took a second look to the struggling earthworm as I've said to nowhere.

I thought, "Does someone put it there?"

Late that night till early dawn, a heavy downpour brought by tropical storm "Dindo" softened the ground. And that's probably the reason why this wriggling thing came out from the ground and lost its way down the road.

"What a pity," I thought. The road is frequent by motorcycles, tricycles. And unfortunately, that earthworm might be run over.

"This thing has also the right to live. It has a 'job' to do by its instinct."

I looked for a stick, then I found one. I gently picked that worm up and put it back to the grassy side of the road. And I resumed my walk going to my school.

While I was walking, I felt something satisfied and contented that I was able to help an earthworm which is unable to do for itself to get back to where it belongs safe.

Momentarily I recall a line from a Church hymn, that says: "Have I done any in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need?... When they needed my help was I there?"

Then I finally realized as what the hymn says: "Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, A blessing of duty and love."

Upon reaching the school, I entered to my office and knelt down beside the sofa, then I prayed: "Thank you Lord for giving me an opportunity to help that inferior earthworm which is in dilemma to struggle itself to get back to where it belongs, but unable to do so. And because of my presence, I was able to restore it to a safe place..."

Everyday I always pray for the things I need so that I could be of help in any way to others whose faith is weak, whose God's belief is wavering, and whose mind is blinded with arms of flesh of the world. And also that I may have the necessary strength to overcome any form of trails and challenges in life. I know the Lord has given me weaknesses that I may strengthen and increase my faith with Him.

With such simple task I did this morning, I already did a great help to a lost earthworm. Though it is trivial, but it has an eternal truth in it. Spiritually it is a practical religion.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Easiest way to feel good is to make someone feel better. It's always good to help others.

  2. wow. how observant! how inspiring this post is - that even you'd take the time to help out an earthworm. :) definitely felt good right?

  3. Little good things mean a lot. If people would just do a lot of the little good deeds just imagine how much better the world with be. A good deed is a reward in itself and as there's always satisfaction in good deeds.

  4. If all just took time to do one simple good thing in life on a daily basis, I'm sure this world of ours will be a much better place.

  5. it always a never feeling of being good to yourself when you've something nice or good to somthing or good to someone! xx

  6. Do good and you'll receive more goodness from life! Cool post!

    Rizza (beingwell)

  7. You'll be showered with good karma :) In Buddhism, it's believed that every being is someone reincarnated. Therefore other beings should be treated the same way we treat our fellowmen.

  8. The smallest action has a tidal effect ... the small thing you do will yield great things.

  9. big things comes from small things.... this article is the biggest way to end the day!!! inspiring!

  10. Small things are great with God. Thanks for the inspiring and uplifting post.


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