Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why People Behave Differently?

Since there are different kinds of personality a person has, there could also be a different behaviors a person to manifest.

Shut Your Generation Gap Book
I would like to share what I've read from the book of Bill McKee, Shut  Your Generation Gap, published by Tyndale House in 1970.

As I was tidying up some of the books in my mini-library's shelf, I came across with Bill McKee's paperback book, "Shut Your Generation Gap." I was surprised that I bought this this book 34  years ago for I noticed the date written in the inside cover of the book, November 14, 1978. And I just bought for Php2.50 only. Now it costs Php172.00 ($4.00).

What interest me to share it here is McKee's exposition on the simple classification of the four temperaments of the human personality. Why people behave differently because of these temperaments such as:

1. Sanguine

There is too much blood in his system. This kind of person is outgoing, extroverted. He loves the company of people. He could make friend easily. He is usually a popular leader.

However, he is impulsive and has little patience on others behavior which he doesn't want to. He is good in making promises and very sincere in keeping them, but he could be easily influenced and distracted. Thus, he often forgets or procrastinates.

He is genuine in asking for an apology. He feels things deeply but temporarily.

Sanguine are great salesmen for they love people.

2. Melancholic

There is too much "black gall" in his system. He is the opposite of sanguine. He is introverted and shy. He plans everything carefully for he is afraid of failure. He wants to be alone. He retains few close friends. He is apprehensive for he always feels that he's being criticized when two talking people are glancing at him.

He is afraid to take speculate on things. He is depending on others who are more aggressive types. He is often moody and depressed. He is very critical of others.

Melancholic resist change. They are traditionalists. They are trustworthy and reliable. Thus, when given a responsibility, they are determined to do it.

3. Choleric

He has too much yellow gall in his system. He is hardworking and very aggressive. He has set a high standards and goals to achieve. He never accepts failure. He has great resiliency. He is persistent. He speculates and never loses hope though he makes and loses millions of money.

Choleric are great musicians and athletes. Like the heroes, they are courageous and dedicated They are exceptional leaders and can stimulate and challenge others.

However, they are selfish and proud. Since they know that they are good, they have little patience with those who can't match them in terms of intellect and energy. They often use people and then forget them.

A choleric father is hard, inflexible, sometimes cruel. He often neglects his family for business. He wants them to understand him.

Pride is the choleric's primary problem.

4. Phlegmatic

He has too much phlegm in his system. He is slow and uncaring.

Phlegmatic are good listeners. They absorb information like sponges, but act disinterested. However, when they speak up, you will be amazed. They are good speakers.

They are unpredictable. When you know them, you either going to learn patience or climb up the walls.

Bill McKee feels confident that when we know these types of temperament of every person, we may understand others better and we could adjust ourselves to them and we are in good position to handle them effectively.

Note: Bill McKee is missionary-at-large with Overseas Crusades and has a special ministry to young people both in the United States and abroad. In his book, "Shut Your Generation Gap". he gives a constructive challenge to mothers and dads. (from the note in the back cover of the book)


  1. I am a combination of melancholic and choleric. Interesting post sir, and wow you have it since 1978! (correction sir, it should be 34 yrs not 43.. Typo error. ;) ) I was born 1976 and I, your book is just 2 yrs younger than me! Wow!

  2. Thanks... I'd already correct it.

  3. I remember I have this book called Personality Plus discussing all these personality types. Although, it may be possible that one personality can be dominant than the others, I don't think any one fits just one personality. There are times that your mood, behavior, thoughts and action can change depending the situation.

  4. I have the no.1 and 2 in my system :D

  5. I can't identify my self there. Maybe I'm a hybrid. LOL is there something as hybrid or a combination of those?

  6. I think I'm in between Sanguine and Choleric. I think Sanguine in the outgoing and extroverted part, and Choleric in terms of goals to achieve. Hmmm.

  7. Was the author referring to literal blood, black gall, yellow gall, and phlegm? if not, I wonder where those "too much X" came from.

  8. Is it possible to have traits from different temperaments? I've read this somewhere and I can't decide which trait I fall into.

  9. I read a different book about personalities, too. And from that book, I learned that I'm both Choleric and Sanguine, but the dominant personality is Choleric. =)

  10. I think Im a bit of 1 and 3..! :)


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