Monday, May 21, 2012

Why Did I Compose a Song?

It was in May 20, 1970 when I wrote and composed my first amateur song entitled "My Singing Doll." And I rediscovered it sometime last week when I was cleaning my dust-filled bookshelves. Then I stumbled upon an old, crumpled brown envelop. I didn't mind it for awhile what's in it. I put it aside then continued my work.

While I was about to finish dusting off the shelves, I took a glanced with the said envelop. Nothing of interest, just curious about it, I opened and checked inside and this is what I saw:

Song Composition Musical Piece
"My Singing Doll"
This was the product of my amateur interest in music. I loved to sing since I was a grade six pupil. I used to sing the popular song of The Beatles, "A World Without Love." I didn't have any idea what was it all about. I just kept on singing it. Until I realized that some of these lyrics were predestined of what I had composed for my high school sweetheart.

The unforgettable lyrics of the said pop song:

           "So I wait, and in a while
           I will see my true love smile 
           She may come, I know not when..."

Yes that was 1966, four years later that I composed the song for that mysterious girl. Then after 2 years we got married. We were meant for each other.

In my junior high school, I was so attentive in our music class. After class hour, I went to the library and researched and studied more until I was familiarized with the rudiments of music, reading and writing musical notes, and the dynamics and everything.

Since I was a self-taught guitar player, I wrote some notes in my musical pad, put some chords, and played and sang it.

I was not a good singer but I could sing. In my junior high school, I joined with the Glee Club. I sang the tenor part of the male voice. In this level of schooling, I accidentally met a girl, transferee stude from a Catholic private high school in La Castellana. She became my dream girl, my inspiration of writing and composing this song.

Wanted to see my first musical work, I introduced it to one of the music teachers in our high school. She was a good piano player. It was turned down. She criticized it negatively. She said it was a bad music. It's a recitative. That's the end of it. She didn't give me a chance to sing it. Well, frustrated as I was, I put it aside until I rediscovered it 42 years after.

But for me, though it was belittled but yet it was the best music composition I ever made for my last and everlasting love, my wife. She's "my singing doll!"

To listen to this song which I'm the one singing, click the following link: "My Singing Doll"

By they way, it is what you hear as the background music which I play in the piano.


  1. I am sure the song and the effort put into it came from the heart.

  2. Ow, what a great story of song and love.I was reading your post and at the same time visualizing the scene of you being turned down by the music teacher.

  3. aside from being a good writer, you are a composer too! You're very talented sir.:)

  4. One can't imagine a world without music. I used to compose songs years ago

  5. wow! I love music too, but I don't have the talent. My siblings are into into music too, my older brother is a guitar player, our youngest plays the drums. I'm supposed to be the singer but I'm bad at it.. haha.

  6. wow, didn't know your are a composer... oh well, love can do a lot of mysterious things, things you didn't know you can do til you're in love. Yahweh bless.

  7. your story feels similar to my mother's story though it was a photograph she found in an envelope that she's been looking for ever since.

    at least you can sing, sir gil, i can't even 'sing' a few lines that won't go out of tunes.

    take care.

  8. as long as it comes from the heart the listener of the songs will be happy and amaze! i used to be a member of a choir as well singing in soprano. xx

  9. ...had the teacher been supportive, who knows who you'd be today? writer, composer, ... would have led to another road, but for sure it all happened for a purpose!

    ...maybe it was just for you loving wife!

  10. You're wife is so lucky to have a thoughtful husband.
    A song made exclusively for her.... is so romantic of you.
    I'm sure your LOVE for each other will LIVE forever in
    your hearts. KAKAKILIG naman po SIR!!!!

  11. Wow, I didn't know you're so much into music sir Gil! :) It's so romantic that you made a composition for your now wife. I wish we still have more fine men to make and dedicate songs to their girl.

  12. A song is not a song when its not made out of the heart. I was inspired with your love story. :)

  13. Wish kaya ko ring mag sulat ng kanta.. hehehe...
    Sweet nyo naman po.. :)

  14. music and love so inspiring sir.

  15. That's really sweet, and you ended up with each other which is really nice!

  16. Wow that's amaazing, i envy people like you are very good in notes and song writing---

  17. this is such a sweet song for your wifey! and true, you meant for each other for eternity! looking for mine haha

  18. I am thrilled to have found your blog! I am a teacher as well and it is my first day of summer vacation. The first thing on my "To Do" list.....Organize and clean my home! I am following you and can't wait to read more.

  19. I can actually imagine the tune of the song. :) Maybe you can compose some more. You know, everything gets better and better when done over and over. :) This is wonderful to start with, though. :)

  20. Memories like that "make" a love story.

  21. Wow! I am a fan of artists and musicians! :) I appreciate composers, too.

  22. the lyrics of the song is lovely, i am sure the wifey was so kilig when she find out about the song

  23. This is so sweet! very nice! (:
    New follower here!

  24. wow! you're really talented. how i wish i can compose a song. =)

  25. Wow, what could be sweeter than that! Your singing doll is lucky to have such a talented and loving husband as you.

  26. I found your love story really beautiful and you so romantic :)

  27. Such a great love story and definitely a great song coming from the heart of the person who loves...

  28. Nice to hear that sir.

    If i will have a chance to learn a music instrument, that would be a drum but not a guitar.

  29. wow! my first time here sir. I'm so glad I joined BC Blogger I was able to read your work and have known your interest in music. keep it up Sir!

  30. How romantic! Happily ever after!

  31. Wow your teacher wasn't the supportive type huh?!
    Anyway, what was important is that you liked what you did.
    That's nice dedicating a song to your wife :)

  32. You are very talented Sir Gil. I salute people like you who are good in any area involving music.

  33. What a sweet story! This will definitely make one great tale to tell your kids. =)

  34. i tried composing a song before.. haha.. kaya lang i ended up heartbroken kya hndi natapos.

  35. awww! that is very sweet Sir :-) are you still composing songs? Glad that your first composed sing is for your wife :-) I am sure that she loves you more for that :-) True love never fails :-)

  36. As I see it that teacher was no teacher at all because she didn't even tried to hear it. Perhaps you reconsider the composing thing because it's never too old for folks who wants to learn more.

  37. Awwwww, it must have devastated you! There's always better ways to turn a budding writer/musician down. Had your teacher considered the effort and heart you've put into our composition, she wouldn't be so harsh.

  38. such a sweet song, it was just sad that your teacher didn't appreciate it, but i'm sure your wife did.

  39. It nice to hear that, so so so sweet!

  40. OMG, this is epic ... how brilliant and how sweet...:)

  41. That's so sweet..composing songs for your wife. My husband has never done that for me.

  42. So you're not just a poet Sir, but a musician as well. So many good talents you have.

    Visiting from BC.

  43. such a beautiful love story! :)
    visiting from bc bloggers

  44. And you found it just in time.. Now we have the technology to publish ourselves. So maybe you can record it and upload it in YouTube so we can hear. :)

  45. Hi sir you should not give up. It's your composition and I think from the few lines i read, it's a beautiful song. I suggest you video yourself while singing it. Won't it be nice sharing your talent to us?

    I'm looking forward for that post sir. :-)

  46. Music from the heart is always more beautiful. Your music teacher missed that part, I guess. No matter how good someone is at music, when it is not played from the heart, it lacks something. I know that because there are days I make beautiful sounds from my guitar and there are days the sounds lack luster. Music is an emotional and spiritual experience for me

  47. How romantic! You and your wife are lucky enough to find love that lasts while rekindling romance every once in a while through these memories. :)

  48. This is so sweet, how about uploading the song on youtube? I am sure a lot of people will enjoy that.

  49. wow.. such a lovely story.. I always admire those guys who compose a song for their girl.. so romantic! =)

  50. That's nice. Perhaps, if you took the negative comments as positive to make you a better composer or singer today. But I think it has a reason for that.
    I really love to play musical instrument, I tried guitar but I find hard time to do learn. Now I am planning to buy keyboard for my son, I want him to learn that musical instrument. I just hope he will love that.

  51. Awww... what a touching piece of memory. I'm sure she appreciates that song you wrote for her because it's so romantic!

  52. a very touching story of how and why you write that song.

  53. sweet! why don't you compose again...

  54. Wow! I'm sure ang maganda kalalabasan nyan. Good job po.

  55. It's one of the best music you've ever composed because the love of your life appreciated it very much.:D

  56. That is really sweet. Why not give us a preview of your composition? It would be great to hear self-composed songs.

  57. Only few people are blessed with talent like that..and you must be really proud and happy for that talent you have..More songs to come:)

    Visiting from BC Bloggers:)

  58. Sir you are such a sweet husband for sure that both of you enjoy the company a lot and just love love love each other

  59. NAKS!!! kinilig namn ako dun... You're wife is so lucky to have you.

  60. Wow really an inspiring story.
    I'm glad you didn't crumpled that paper and threw in the bin. Now it's a living testimony of your love to your wife. It's a masterpiece in itself, despite being rejected by your teacher before. For me, it's a great composition.
    Btw, I met my wife in school too that's why I love stories like these.

  61. i'm sure the song was well appreciated by your singing doll, never mind that rude teacher...if she should have given you pointers on how to improve your composition rather than belittle it...

  62. Aw why couldn't your teacher have been a little more supportive? She could have given you pointers on how to make it better instead of belittling it right? What was your wife's reaction to the song? did you ever sing it to her?

  63. Beautiful story! I'm glad the early, mean criticism didn't break your spirit. Why would a teacher even say as rude as that?

    Congratulations and best regards to your lovely wife.

  64. Wow! Such talent. I hope your wife fell in love with the song ;)

  65. Did you get married in 1972? I wasn't born yet when you get married...hehehe! Just thinking out loud...peace po!
    But you have such great talent in you. And your love story is sweet I still remember from your previous blog post that you shared :)

  66. This is a beautiful post. Forever love is something we all wish for but few get to experience it. Your teacher was an idiot!

  67. power of words! it's sad that a teacher discouraged you but i am happy that you kept on and still managed to stay on top with your beloved doll. :D

  68. wow. you're talented. thanks for sharing this :)

  69. Your posts never fail to put a smile in my heart. I love how you say you were meant for each other. And your composition is not just the best music composition you ever made, but also the best composition i have ever known. It's genuine and heartfelt. I know nothing about music composition, but I think your teacher made a mistake. She failed to look beyond the sheets.

  70. Listening to it now. Awww, this is so sweet. Good thing it has been preserved all these years.

  71. love is a good inspiration to write songs, and it really shows with your experience.

  72. It's really nice to look back in the past especially to those sweet memories of our childhood. Your story is kinda cute! You're a very talented man!

  73. i remember my teacher didn't approve the poem i made for the school paper but that doesn't made me stop, i just thought she had a bad taste for poems lolz!

  74. Musical sheet! I miss seeing one. :) I miss playing the piano. You are talented. and oh so very sweet. Awww. :)

  75. and it's because of love how sweet for sure your wife love you so much! Great job!

  76. Your teacher should have listened to you back then and help you improve if there's a need to.. that's what teachers do right?
    Hmmm but you've got a sweet story and song for your wife :) You're wife must be surprised but is "kilig" for sure :D

  77. how i miss my grand mother, she was a good composer too, how sad that not even one of her song is published .

  78. There must be so much emotion pouring in as you opened the old envelop containing the composition you made for your wife many years ago and the realization of many things as well. God bless you po!

  79. everytime i read your post, it really made me smile. your experience is so encouraging and the way i see it, you are such a loving and thoughtful husband. keep it up Sir. I also made a composition once. My ex-BF (now my husband) gave life to it. The song was entitled Sovereign God- I am really very much proud to it. I'm into music but I am not a good singer though :)

  80. Good job teacher, way to shut down a student's aspiration to write music. Beautiful story though. What was your wife's reaction to the song?

  81. Wow mostly self taught music enthusiast, plus a composer too! Your song is really nice. ☺


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