Tuesday, May 15, 2012

La Carlota Ready To Implement K to 12

The Division of La Carlota had already started its 5-day live-out in-service training for Grade 1 teachers Monday. The teacher-participants come  from 23 public elementary schools to be ready in implementing the K to 12 curriculum this school year 2012-2013.

K to 12 Curriculum
K to 12 Curriculum
K to 12 Basic Education Program

The Department of Education has surveyed that most of PH graduates are not yet ready to be globally competitive. They've no sufficient skills for work and they're not yet even ready or prepared to pursue their higher education.

To properly address this inadequacy, the Department of Education introduced the K to 12 program which is to be adopted for it "covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship." (source: K to 12 Basic Education Program)

In-Service Training Targets

These teachers are keeping abreast on the new K to 12 Basic Education curriculum for Grade 1. They're trained on the use of curriculum, lesson guides and activity sheets per subject area. They're taught on how to assess and rate pupils learning performance or outcomes. They're preparing activities to enhance support pupils learning. They're making lesson plans on mother tongue  with corresponding books, rhymes, songs, poems.

With their respective materials like bond paper, glue, string,l masking tape, pair of scissors, they could make  their own small books and instructional materials.

Teacher Facilitators

Facilitators and trainors are Ana Lee Bartolo, school principal of La Granja Elem. School; Anna Liza G, Ortega, teacher 1 of La Granja Elem. School; Gemma T. Fieldad, teacher 2 of La Carlota North Elem. School; Snooky J. Gestobio, teacher 3 of La Carlota South Elem. School II, and Concepcion Alisaje, teacher 2 of La Carlota South Elem. School 1.

Day-to-Day Topics Presentation

Topics covered may include the following:

Day 1 - Ms. Ana Lee handles the Overview of the Program and the curriculum language area with messages of DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro, Usec Quijano, Usec Guiron, and Usec Dimaano.

Ms. Anna Liza G. Ortega tackles mother-tongue bilingual (MTB) curriculum framework, curriculum guide, walk-through of lesson guides and activity sheets.

Ms. Concepcion Alisaje focuses on Filipino curriculum framework, Batayang Pangnilalaman, walk-though on lesson guide and activity sheets.

Day 2 - Ms. GEmma T. Fieldad works on English curriculum.Ms. Snooky J. Gestobio deliberates on Mathematics. Ms. Ortega Araling Panlipunan. Ms. G. Fieldad, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao.

Day 3 - Ms. Bartolo, Music; Ms. Gestobio, P.E.; Ms. Alisaje, Arts;and Ms. Fieldad, Health.

Day 4 - Ms. Ortega, Science (Integration); Ms. Fieldad and Ms. Ortega, workshop on lesson planning by subject area; demo teaching in 7 subject areas: English, Filipino, Math, MAPEH, EsP, Araling Panlipunan, and MTB.

Day 5 - Ms. Bartolo lectures on assessment and rating of learning outcomes and conducts workshop. Submission of outputs per subject areas. Then closing program.

Trained Teachers

The grade 1 teachers of Batuan, Ayungon, CAC Malipayon, CaiƱaman, Balabag, Ferlou, La Carlota South 1, Salamanca, Nagasi, Cubay, Esperanza, Sugar Central, RSB, La Carlota North, Miguel Mondia, Yubo, Haguimit 1 and Haguimit 2, La Granja, Ara-al, San Miguel 1 and San Miguel 2, and La Carlota South 2 are ready to implement k to 12 curriculum in the opening of regular classes on June 4.

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