Friday, March 30, 2012

Indispensable Traits for Teachers To Be Effective

ALS teacher teaching out-of-school youth
ALS Learners
Do you know some virtues that could make you a teacher, an effective one?

Teacher-applicants flock in my office to submit their letter of application. I ask some of them why did they want to be teacher. Well, they simply answer me for they love teaching. Or their parents, brothers and sisters are teachers. Teachers are receiving higher pay, that's why, some of them change their college course to education. These are some of the varied reasons why people preferred teaching.

Teachers produce all professionals. And teaching is the noblest profession of all.

If you're planning also to embark into teaching profession consider the following situations which I stumbled upon Beth Lewis' "8 Signs You Should Become a Teacher" :

If you're compassionate, you've the trait of being patient, understanding and kind. You're putting yourself on the shoes of others. When someone is struggling, you cover up their frustration and refrain from making disdainful comments that only worsen the situation.

If you're passionate to the children, learning, their chosen subject matter, the art of teaching, and life in general, you're actively cultivating ways to reignite love for the job and the world of Education. You're there in the classroom for them, with a high energy enthusiasm that makes learning anything more exciting.

If you're persistent by absolutely not giving up your teaching task, you know that their diligence and commitment to getting the job done well are the engines that fuel the whole classroom operation.

If you're not easily discouraged of facing challenges along the way and expect to encounter roadblocks and obstacles, you're strong enough to remain single-minded in the focus on both short- and long-term objectives. Therefore, you're relentlessly committed to excellence which is contagious on campus and adds an intangible value to the students' experience.

If you use informative assessments, utilization of the latest pedagogical techniques, attention to detail, and sheer willpower, you're the best to help your students meet or exceed expectations. This is important to be results-oriented and always on the lookout for the latest instructional innovation.

If you tap your inner curiosity about what makes individuals tick and chart innovative courses to meet a variety of unique needs, you're an effective teachers who could make a difference in your students' lives by thinking outside the box and being fearless in employing techniques that have never been tried before. Further, you enjoy the unknowns and enigmas that crop up each school year because they get to apply your creative problem-solving skills in fresh ways on an ongoing basis.

It has been said that the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy plays a huge role in teaching because teacher expectations often determine student outcomes. In other words, good teachers know that their students will only succeed to the extent that they are encouraged and believed in. By approaching each student with only the highest of expectations, these educators visualize student success long before it actually occurs. This is one of the most magical aspects of being a teacher.

You're flexible if you approach each day with an open mind and a sense of humor. They aren't easily discouraged by bumps in the road or hiccups in the schedule, whether these issues be big or small. With a multitude of factors impacting every minute of the day, strong educators must be willing to bend when necessary, with a smile.

In a nutshell, therefore, you must answer the following practical motive question affirmatively:

     1. Are you compassionate?
     2. Are you passionate?
     3. Are you persistent?
     4. Are you up for challenges?
     5. Are you results-oriented?
     6. Are you creative and curious?
     7. Are you optimistic?
     8. Are you flexible?

What do you think? Are they effective factors for a would-be teachers? Anyway, good luck would-be teachers!


  1. i agree with all these characteristics! :) Especially with being passionate.. I think it applies to every career that people choose. :)

  2. Sir Gil, I learned to be most of the things that you mentioned during the process of teaching. I think I got accepted into teaching because I aced the interview and the tests but then I became a very good teacher during the course of my teaching because of the trainings provided by the school, my experience with my students and the mentorship of my colleagues.:)

    1. I'm happy to hear that you've possessed these qualities of a teacher, Blanca. You're blessed for you've used those traits in molding your students on the way they should go as expected by their parents.

  3. As someone who works in higher ed, I especially enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing these important characteristics and questions!

  4. Sir Gil, I am not a teacher but I et your ideas about this field can be applied to all professions! Thanks sir!

  5. I was a teacher once and it was the most fulfilling time of my life. Unfortunately, I had to quit because the salary wasn't enough to feed and clothe my family.

    I think to be a really good teacher, you just have to passionately love what you do and everything will follow. If you love teaching you will learn to be patient, compassionate, persistent...

  6. I am proud to say that all my answers in those 8 questions above are big YESes! I therefore say that I am a teacher. I have worked in the Philippines for 6 years and somehow I have made those 6 years fruitful. I have produced winners in various competitions and garnered positive feed backs from my superiors and from the parents of the students. I hope I'll still be able to have that trademark in here.

  7. in the province, mostly students get the teaching course, coz its the cheapest course to take. I admire teachers who are very dedicated to their profession.. Honestly these teachers are very rare now, having good character..

  8. Teaching isn't just about giving knowledge its also about the overall development of the student. And for performing such a big task you require all the above mentioned 8 qualities in abundance. In my opinion the most important one is God Grace without which nothing can be done.

  9. Once you love what you do...
    everything is simple, easy and enjoyable.
    Being a teacher requires a lot of hard work
    patience and dedication.
    You put not only your mind into it
    but your HEART most importantly.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I believe passion for anything you do is of most importance, everything else will follow if you have it.


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