Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Is the True Spirit of Christmas Forgotten?

Do you think the true meaning of Christmas seems to be forgotten especially this modern time? Why? What is your basis? Answers to these questions may be true or may be not. It all depends on the person. But generally speaking, what do you think?

It seems the true spirit of Christmas is becoming neglected due to the commercialization of Christmas by the big business establishments. Would it be back to what Christmas is indeed according to the Scripture.

Following is my personal experience and my observation:

When I was a kid, I was too excited to long for the coming of Christmas season. So glad to listen to Christmas songs and enjoy my peers going out at night singing carols to every home of our neighbors. Though we may have a penny to receive for our 2-hour caroling yet we were happy, And we were excited to make it the following night as long as our parents would permit us.

At school before we had our week-long Christmas vacation, But before we enjoyed it, we had Christmas party, parlor games and exchanged gifts among our classmates. We're too excited opening our gift received in exchange of our gift wrapped in Christmas wrapper. Then we went home happy and contented.

On Santa Claus and Spirit of Christmas

What had ingrained into our mind as kid is expecting a gift during that joyous seasons of the year from "Santa Claus" whom we believed did exist. But as we grew older, we realized that the true "Santa Claus" is our thoughtful, loving and caring parents. We once caught them putting some toys inside our hanging socks at the window pane.

The more serious one is the appreciation of the true spirit of Christmas, the unfeigned love of our Heavenly Father who gave His Only Begotten to save us from our sins. Jesus' birth is the realization of this divine love for all mankind.

In return we know that we do serve our fellow in making them happy during Christmas season by offering them their basic needs especially the poor and the needy.

Thus, we have realized that it's more blessed to give than to receive. Merry Christmas!

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