Thursday, April 10, 2014

ALS IM Geeree Camporazo Gets Another Feather to Her Cap

Two years ago, ALS instructional manager, Ms. Geeree D. Camporazo got only 6 passers in the Accreditation and Equivalency Test (A&E) of Alternative Learning System (ALS) of the Department of Education. Then last year, she got 9 passers.

ALS IM Geeree Camporazo
Now this year, she was very proud of having 13 passers out of 20 of her ALS learners who took the A & E Test conducted on October 13, 2013. Overall she got 65% passers so far. That is good enough. One of the elementary passers she had was our granddaughter, Princess Camporazo.

Geeree, our youngest daughter, is in her third year of teaching as IM. She is conducting her classes every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at the hall of Barangay 3, La Carlota City. She  teaches her learners of the learning competencies which consist of the five learning strands of the ALS Curriculum. These learners are representing the out-of-school youth (OSY) and some married mothers.

The ALS Passers

Mam Geeree with her successful examinees

The 13 successful ALS A&E test takers are as follows:

a. Elementary Level -

1. Princess Camporazo
2. Romela Mariano
3. Jobeline Ngitngit
4. May Rose Panto

b. Secondary Level -

1. Rudelyn Aquino
2. Glariel Angelica Abaygar
3. Freddie Mar Baltazar
4. Alejandro Bantiles III
5. Michael John Bantiles
6. Joevanie Lardino, Jr.
7. Joseph Lim
8. Lareza Lorenzo
9. Aive Panto

New ALS Logo
ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Test

The ALS A&E Tests are for Elementary and Secondary standardized paper and pencil-based tests and use multiple-choice test and composition writing. These tests are to measure the learning competencies of the takers in five learning strands of the ALS Curriculum.

Target clienteles of the ALS A&E Test

Filipino Out-of-School Youth (OSY) and Adults at least 11 years old (for elementary level test) and at least 15 years old (for the secondary level test) who are basically literate.

Preparation of test taker

A test taker may either be a learner/attendee or completer of the ALS A&E Learning Support Delivery (LSDS) System, a learning intervention designed to help equip the prospective test taker with the necessary competencies to prepare him/her for the test.

ALS A&E Test Passer's Benefit

A test passer of either the Elementary or Secondary Level gets a certificate which bears the signature of the Secretary of the Department of Education.

The government offers him/her to be enrolled in post secondary courses of the CHED and PASUC (for government owned/controlled) member institutions, to have access to MFI and TESDA skills training programs, and acquire eligibility for government employment positions.

ALS A&E Test Composition

The test is divided into 2 parts: the Multiple Choice Tests and and the Composition Writing. The test runs for 3 hours and 30 minutes for the Elementary Level and 4 hours and 15 minutes for the Secondary Level.


The prospective test taker/registrant shall accomplish the registration form providing the following documents: copy of birth certificate, copy of marriage contract, form 137, voter's ID, postal ID, TIN card, driver's license, and passport, also two copies of their latest 1" x 1" photo.

Where and When?

A prospective test taker shall register at designated registration centers nationwide and come back to the same venue for the administration of the A&E Test on the scheduled dates of testing.


No registration fee shall be required. It is free.


  1. I guess many people would want to register and take the test since it's for free anyway.

  2. Congratulations on the achievement!! I think it is truly deserved as teaching indeed is a noble profession.

  3. Education is truly a great gift for people of all backgrounds. Its very empowering

  4. Wow, Congratulations to you Sir Gil and this is really indeed another big achievements for you. Keep up the good work Sir and Keep Inspiring other people with your blog sir.

  5. wow kudos to everyone and congratulations for passing the test! such a milestone to pass a test. I never would have think going back to school going gaga for exams! lucky for this students who pass! x0

  6. Really a great help to all Filipino children wanting education as their main goal in life. Deserving students can excel with this tests.

  7. Congratulations! Graduating is actually for me a responsibility of both parents and the child. So job well done for your family and you. Hope you have a good future ahead. Don't forget to thank the Lord for what He has done for you.

  8. I think the nice thing about ALS is there is no registration fee for everyone. Good luck to all those who participated! :)

  9. She has a really nice passing rate and is always improving.


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