Monday, June 10, 2013

Makeshift Education in the Mountain

Corazon Aloro, ALS mobile teacher
Mobile teacher Aloro
The 54 learners of Nailab, the farthest sitio in Barangay Ara-al, La Carlota City have the reason to be happy for they have now their own makeshift classroom in their informal education under the scheme of Alternative Learning System (ALS) of the Department of Education, Division of La Carlota City.

Other Basic Education

A simple ceremony dubbed as "Alternative Learning System, the Other Side of Basic Education" formally opened up this opportunity for the said learners.

Makeshift classroom for ALS learners
Makeshift classroom
ribbon cutting ceremony
Ribbon cutting ceremony
Schools division superintendent Portia M. Mallorca with division admin officer Ruth F. Villanueva cut the ceremonial ribbon in a simple program.

The owner of the land, Ireneo Cahilig, an elderly and his wife, Mamang Morit graced the program. Sensitive to the needs of the 54 ALs learners of which 21 elementary, 30 secondary and 3 BLP (basic literacy program) recipient, Ireneo donated a portion of his agricultural land for the classroom.

And through the resourcefulness of the ALS mobile teacher, Corazon Aloro, the makeshift classroom was realized through a donation of nipa, bamboo materials of the residents in the said area as solicited by Aloro. She devotes her time in teaching the learner every Monday and Tuesday. She has a mother's class at 10:00 am - 12:00 noon, adult's class at 2:00 pm - 4 pm, and class for elementary and secondary, 6 pm - 9 pm. She bears teaching at night time under the aid of mitsa (improvised lamp).

ASDS giving a message
ASDS Mallorca giving a message
Alternative Learning System

Alternative Learning System (ALS) could be availed by those who discontinued a regular schooling because of poverty, by those who already worked but stopped the regular education, by those who are old or aged but would like to complete a basic education. This system is free and it implemented by the Department of Education DepEd). It is, therefore, an alternative to the existing formal education instruction, both in the non-formal and informal avenues of knowledge and skills.

ALS in the division of La Carlota City as supervised by Education Program Supervisor (EPS) Avelino N. Santillan recently got a high passing learners in the recent Accreditation and Equivalency Test (A&E) given by the DepEd. Those passers attended their graduation recently.


  1. She's one of our modern-day heroes. Selfless service despite of the situation and commitment.

  2. This is a nice outreach activity and promotes learning even in the farflung areas.

  3. i just remembered when we were helping other children with their studies. i think this kind of activity was a good way to help others in need!

  4. I really admire teachers in their selfless passion and dedication for the students/pupils. I'm a teacher in a public school in Cavite and my purpose is to inculcate the best lessons from academics to life lessons which are relevant for them. Mrs. Aloro is a perfect example of a teacher who shows selfless passion where she gave the quality education to the learners in the far-flung areas. Keep it up Ma'am =)

  5. I admire people who go out of their way to help others without thinking of getting a lot in return.
    -Wanderer Juan

  6. whoah! that is the devotion. devotion for helping people to have a chance to learn even if it lacks facilities. i hope more persons will be like your legacy.

  7. I wanted to teach ALS for the meantime but I have to ask the school here about it. This is very noble sir.

  8. While it is commendable for a selfless teacher to do this, it's annoying to know that the government isn't doing enough to provide for the education of its country's citizens. Kudos to everyone involved, shame to the people who are in power but never have done anything. :/
