Monday, June 4, 2012

'Good Morning, Sir'

"Good Morning, Sir!" - a resounding greeting I received from the pupils of Cubay Elementary School as I arrived early in the morning in our school.

The Principal Giving Counsel to the Pupils
The principal giving counsel to the pupils
June 4 is the official opening of classes for the school year 2012 - 2013 in country, PH. The Department of Education (DepEd) issued an order that every school should devote its time for the first week of June as "Operation Balik Eskwela."

My school, Cubay Elementary School,one of the 23 elementary schools in the Division of La Carlota with an enrolment of nearly 300 pupils has started its formal classes this morning.

First Classroom Visitation

As the school principal, I made my first round of classroom visitation 15 minutes after the flag ceremony and I noticed that the Preschool teacher and the grades one to six teachers started their first lesson with enthusiasm.

The pupils were so excited and attentive to listen to their teacher and they're very participative in their first classroom activities.

First Meeting with Parents
First Meeting with the parents
By the way, as I arrived at about 6:30 a.m., the school gate was already opened and many of the pupils from all grades in their school uniform were already in the campus and accosted me with an impressive greetings of "Good Morning, Sir!"

Parents, grandmothers, and guardians of the children were also excited like the pupils. They're busy attending to the needs of their sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Some parents were still enrolling their children.

Some fathers were doing some cleaning of the school surrounding for they'd not participated in the School Maintenance Week on May 21 to 26, 2012. They're making up for the missed activities.

Disproved Tradition

It is a tradition here that some of the parents wouldn't let their children go to school in the first day. They always assumed that their children will be tasked to do menial work like cleaning the classroom, dusting the table, watering the plants, among others. But my teachers proved them wrong. The first day lesson was formally taught with no children being commanded to do an errand.

As I conducted an ocular or head account of those present, I noticed that almost one-half of the expected enrolment of the school were present on this first day of classes. Many were still coming before 9:20 a.m., recess time.

First Meeting with the Parents

Since there were many parents who were with their children, I invited them to a brief meeting in my office. I informed them on the school policy, reminded them their moral obligation with their children especially on completing their education. I also emphasized to them that whatever religion or faith they'd they should let them children go to Church for religions instructions for it pays a lot if the child is God-fearing, pious and religious.

Finally, I stressed that educating a child is everybody's effort. Thus, the school, the family, the community or even the Church will join hand in hand in rearing up the child as far as education is concerned. When they go home after school, I advised them to gather their children, kneel down together to pray for a thanksgiving.

During the flag ceremony, I gave my first counsel to the pupils, stressing the value of getting educated so that they may be an asset to himself, to his family, to his community and to his country.

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