Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How NDB Reaches 51 Years in Circulation?

NDB Newspaper
Negros Daily Bulletin Editor-in-Chief Pert Toga told the main reason why NDB persisted in circulation for more than half a century now when he guested Atty. Bong Dilag’s television show "On the Spot" on SMILE Cable TV Channel 10, Bacolod, Tuesday night, June 14, 2011.

NDB, he said, caters to the needs of its readers who are seeking for the truth and honesty of news content and commentaries, which NDB published them. Thus, they kept on reading NDB for its veracity,  objectivity , and honesty in reporting for the last 51 years now. It's "unbiased reporting" per se.

Take a second look to its mission statement as published as an editorial when NDB celebrated its 47th Anniversary 4 years ago, to wit:

"Just like any media entity-whether print, broadcast or TV, the NDB has a mission to fulfill and a noble goal to achieve in this profession in the end in the view of contributing its humble share in the strengthening freedom and democracy in this part of the country and the world.

"Through the printed page and the power of the pen to inform, educate and entertain, NDB hopes to develop a strong and vigilant citizenry, a community of concerned Negrenses and Filipinos who can stand on their own two feet, whose in dependence of mind and spirit and enable its staff to rise from their present status in life to one that will carry them towards greater heights in the attainment of their ambitions and dreams.

"In this trying time and age, what we need are men and women of courage, Filipinos who have that indomitable spirit of dedication and persistence to succeed and triumph despite the insurmountable odds. These are the kind of leaders we want to see in our midst, men with vision and political will to lead, to prevail and to make sacrifices if need be, for the greater interest of the majority, many of them, downtrodden and oppressed.

"Through a vigilant and no nonsense media, crusading and uncompromising in the search for truth, justice and fairness which is our NDB anniversary them this year, we hope to contribute our humble share in the realization of this mission...

"Such a vital thrust for development could not have played its role any better without the much-needed vigilance and push from the guardians of freedom and democracy. These are not empty talk or hollow quotes but principles grounded on reality tested in the crucible of fire and brimstone, so to speak.

"In attaining our goals towards enlightened leadership through responsible journalism and a strong middle class, we need unity and a political will that could harness and solidify our separate votes in this profession. We need not scatter and waste our individual advocates like any voices shouting to their heart’s content but ending up like a voice in the wilderness.

"Instead, we can join hands and be a force to reckon with. We can do our thing in our own way but if loaded with one another by setting aside selfish motives or personal interest in favor of our common goals, together we can attain our common objectives in the noble profession. We should not waste our energies; we must pool them and be effective ten-fold in our common crusade for good.

"This is our mission, this is our goal. We may not achieve it now, but with the nobility of our intentions and our individual vision for an ideal society, we can still do the impossible: Unity in diversity, vigilance in the real essence of the word, a will to succeed and the strength in character to defy the odds."

NDB is optimistic in realizing its mission. "These are tall orders for an ordinary media practitioner desiring to contribute something like a drop in the bucket, but who knows, big things start from small beginning, so nothing is really impossible when you train your guns towards attaining a noble goal, a laudable objective and work like you never worked before."

Congratulations! Long live Negros Daily Bulletin!

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