Sunday, December 23, 2018

How Can You Make Father in Heaven Happy?

I have gained something spiritually worthwhile that is making Heavenly Father happy and being kind. from the two speakers we have this Sunday during the combined Sacrament meeting of La Carlota 1st and 2nd branches of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

La Carlota Meetinghouse
La Carlota Meetinghouse
It's Christmas time. It is considered as the joyous seasons of the year. "It is the most wonderful time of the year," says the popular classic Christmas song.

For most Christians, it is the time of giving as what the Bible says, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." That is the true tradition of Christmas. That is to dispel the kids' attitude of receiving gifts from their parents, from their godparents, from their friends. It is pointed out that Christmas Day is Jesus' birthday and it is not their birthday why they should receive gifts. They are the one to give gifts to others especially the poor and the needy.

Making Heavenly Father Happy

Church Leaders
Church Leaders
"How can you make Father in Heaven happy?' asked President Mario A. Malacaman of La Carlota Philippines District in his message during the recent Sunday's combined Sacrament meeting of the La Carlota First and the Second Branches of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Christmas Day is the birth of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who is celebrating His birthday as pointed out by President Malacaman. It is the greatest gift our Heavenly Father given to us as sinners. In return, what gift can you give to Jesus to make Him happy and also to make the Father in Heaven happy raised this challenge to the members in the congregation.

He simply urged everyone to keep the commandments of the Lord and the covenants they have made as well. He specifically enumerated the following: support the leaders of the Church, magnify the callings of those who have been called, provide the temporal and spiritual needs of their family. In so doing, President Malacaman said that the Heavenly Father would surely be happy not only in this Christmas day but in all days of their lives.

Being Kind

Another speaker in the Sacrament, Sister Cristina R. Millado shared a faith-promoting message on what should be done in this very special day of Jesus - Christmas Day.

She sung "Kindness Begins with Me", a children's song, which the congregation joined her. It is a composition of Clara W. McMaster. Its lyrics:

I want to be kind to ev’ryone,
For that is right, you see.
So I say to myself, “Remember this:
Kindness begins with me.”

My eyes become teary as I joined in singing. I could feel the spirit of being kind. That is one of the many ways of making our Heavenly Father happy for being kind to everyone.

In Ephesians 4:32 as cited by Sister Millado, kindness is one of the attitudes which God requires for everyone. And in return he or she receives forgiveness from the Lord.


How to be kind? This has prompted me to do an acrostic of KIND. K is  for keeping the commandments. I for instilling them into the mind. N for no one could be saved except through Jesus Christ. D is doing what is right.

Our Sacrament meeting is concluded by the Church hymn, "Joy to the World" as sung by the congregation led by Sister Mae Escalante, District chorister. The combined choir of La Carlota 1st and 2nd branches gave the special number, "Once in Royal David’s City".

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